Dear Friends of Living Waters Intl,
The Living Waters Intl Feeding Center is a center of influence on Rusinga Island in Kenya, uplifting orphans, needy and vulnerable children by providing them with meals every day. The impact of this wonderful program is felt in almost every home in the villages of Kaswanga and Wanyama. The children who come for their meals each day are able to attend school and remain healthy. They receive new school uniforms, shoes and medical care when needed. Their guardians find relief in their daily struggle to provide food. The children themselves frequently comment how grateful they are for their meals. They say the meals have helped them improve academically because they don’t have to panic every lunch break wondering how they will get through their afternoon classes with nothing to eat. People of the community benefit by easily buying food from the Living Waters Intl Farm. Others sell firewood to the feeding center and quite a number are employed at the feeding center and farm earning their daily living. Other families also benefit through fee payments for their needy children attending the Living Waters Preschool. I wish to thank the donors and friends who contribute tirelessly in support of these children of God.

Kenya is now experiencing the longest drought in 40 years. This has brought high inflation, starvation, death of animals, and an increase in thefts. The government is trying to give relief foods but help has not reached Rusinga. A large part of our community is in dire need of food and spend many days in hunger. We are very grateful to Living Waters intl for saving the lives of the many in- nocent children here. Many of the Living Waters children state that this is the only meal they are sure of the whole day and to be- lieve this, you will always see them running to the feeding center when released from schools during lunch break. Knowing this, we have made sure that the food is ready to serve when the first child arrives for lunch. The children can begin eating immediately and are very happy about that. They return to school feeling full and are able to concentrate in their classes.
Just to illustrate how hunger is impacting our country, a family with 3 children from the central part of Kenya recently felt so hun- gry after days without food. The children saw two chameleons near their house, killed and cooked them while the mother was away. On her return she found them lying down in severe stomach pain. Fortunately she found the head of a chameleon in the pot and immediately rushed them to the clinic. They were admitted for several days and they did improve and were finally dis- charged. This is the situation in Kenya.
Inflation has caused a tin (about 1 liter) of maize to sell for Kshs 200 when a few short months ago it was selling for Kshs 70. Real- izing that maize is our staple food here, this is a real hardship. Our economy depends on fishing from the lake (Lake Victoria). The fish population is suffering shortages from over fishing and pollution.
Thank you for all you are doing to make a difference here at the Living Waters Intl Feeding Center and Farm!
Ezekiel Tito

The Living Waters Farm is producing tomatoes and bananas and other vegetables and fruits. We are fortunate to have this location with access to water from the lake.
At the first of this year, a tin (about 1 liter) of Maize cost 70 Kenyan shillings. Today the same amount costs 200 Kenyan Shillings. Our staff at the Living Waters Feeding Center are carefully purchasing and conserving the food supplies. Buying beans and maize is our greatest need.
For Christmas we would like to give each child a new blanket which costs $6 each.
In the coming year each child will need new school shoes at a cost of $25 per pair. Our goal is to purchase 10 pair of shoes each month.

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