Greetings from the Living Waters Intl Feeding Program in Kenya, where orphan girls and boys are finding help and hope. This year has brought its challenges, first with drought, then torrential rain, and then the diseases that follow the rain: malaria, cholera, and typhoid. Add significant inflation, and most families in the village are struggling to get one meal a day, especially the children! Over 100 children literally run every day to the Living Waters Feeding Center to receive meals, school uniforms, and medical care. Almost daily, another hungry child comes seeking a meal.

The need is truly great, and we are thankful for our donors who make it possible for us to continue serving the children nutritious food day after day, week after week, and year after year since 2008! Caring for children is a long-term commitment, but what a joy it is to see so many boys and girls grow up to be successful, educated, and loving God. What a difference a meal can make!

Our children live in small family homes where a relative or guardian cares for them. This is preferable to the child-headed homes many of our children once lived in. The caregivers have been able to take the orphaned child in because they are receiving their meals at the feeding center.

When you help a child, you are helping the whole family. When you help the family, you are helping the whole community. Children who otherwise would be at a significant disadvantage now have hope for a better future. Thank you so much!

Twins were born in November to the mother of Samwel, one of our Living Waters children. Sadly, their mother died in childbirth, leaving 6 children, including Jeremy and Jayden, the twins. Soon after their birth, the babies had to be taken to the hospital because the family was only able to feed them regular milk, which made them sick. Living Waters has been providing baby formula and diapers. They have been placed in the care of their aunt in a nearby town and are thriving.

We are currently caring for 100+ children every day. It now costs $40.00 a month to provide meals, a school uniform, and medical care for each child. We believe every child deserves to eat.

Living Waters Intl is a volunteer organization and depends totally on donations. Your support is what provides these life-changing opportunities for each child served. Living Waters considers your sacrificial donation as a sacred trust, and we promise that all funds are used in support of His vulnerable children. Living Waters relies on year-end giving and monthly, tax-deductible donations. Please consider Living Waters in your charitable plans.

Thank you for helping us help them!

3 ways to DONATE: 

Online Donation 
Send a check to: Living Waters Intl PO Box 502 Tonto Basin AZ 85553
Or Call Mary Jo: 928-978-4663