“Some days we get 2 meals, some days we get one meal, and other days we just drink water and call it a day”.  Brian’s words alarmed me as I realized that many children in Kenya are going to bed hungry.

The Living Waters Intl Feeding Program has stepped up to meet the increasing need for food during the covid-19 pandemic.  The Kenya government issued stay at home orders on March 15.  Large gatherings were banned and the orphan children can no longer come to receive their breakfast and lunch at the Feeding Center.

Orphan children are often the “low man on the totem pole” in the home.  In the best of times, the guardians simply don’t have the resources to feed and care for them.  These are not the best of times.  The economy is effectively locked down as people are not able to move around to get money or food.  Recent rains and flooding have washed out many of the families’ farms and even homes, making their lives even more desperate. And the plague of locusts is threatening to destroy any remaining crops.  Orphans lives are more difficult than ever.

The Living Waters Intl feeding program exists to provide food, medical care and school uniforms to orphan children.  Living Waters has jumped into action to respond to the Covid-19 restrictions.  Twice a month the boys and girls come with their guardians to the feeding center and receive beans and maize to prepare at home.  An extra donation this month allowed us to increase the amount of food given last week.  This is a desperate situation.  I need your help today to continue to feed the children.

In February we had no idea how fast things would be changing in the entire world.  With our friends, the Porter family, we accomplished a lot.  Paige led a class on feminine hygiene for the girls, giving them answers to their questions and handmade hygiene kits. The girls’ latrine building and 3 hand washing stations were completed.  We could not know how vital hygiene would become in a few short weeks!

300 banana trees were planted at the farm and improvements made to the road. Sweet potatoes, tomatoes and greens are thriving.  We did not know then how much the farm produce would be needed now.

The birthday party day was filled with games, singing, stories, and a special lunch.   We have never seen the children so happy.  Caleb Porter presented a blanket and sleeping mat to each child.  The children are warm and sleeping off the bare ground at night.  May God preserve the lives of each one!

Your gift can provide the following:  $40.00 helps one family for a month
$200.00 helps 5 families for a month
$400.00 helps 10 families for a month Ways to donate:
Online: livingwatersintl-2.w0y9tgrlyq-zng4ppnrv4dp.p.temp-site.link
Mail: Mail a check in the enclosed envelope
Phone:  Call me at 928-978-4663 to make a
donation by credit or debit card.

We need your help today. Thank you for helping!Daryl Oft
Living Waters Intl
1107 S Beeline Hwy #4
Payson AZ 85541